
Butte History Events


June 13 - Miner's Union Day

June 14 - showing of Brothers on the Line, a film documenting the legacy of the Reuther brothers. At Grand Hotel (124 W. Broadway), time TBA. The Butte America Foundation, AFL-CIO, and the SW Montana CLC are bringing Walter Reuther's nephew, film producer Sasha Reuther, to Butte and Missoula for the showing.

June 18 - TEDx 6:00 pm

June 25 - Dick Gibson's brown bag at the archives, 12:00 noon, on the dynamiting of the Union Hall

June 23-29 Butte Chinese Heritage Week. Mai Wah Open House Sat. June 28, 1-4.

Butte History Comes Alive - coming in July, in association with Butte Arts Foundation


  1. I clicked on Montana's Women's link in the 'Link List' and most of the further links that went with the pictures there did NOT work. To bad, I was very disappointed and didn't bother with any other links in that list.

    1. I'm sorry that things did not work for you. The Montana Women's history link is to a Facebook page, which works for me. It appears that the links there to their web site - - are down right now. I don't know the cause for that lack but I imagine it is temporary, but in any event I don't have anything to do with maintaining it. Sorry.

  2. I was searching for articles on the explosion that happened in the 60's. I was in grade school and my dad was working there. I remember some men stole some dynamite and the officers followed them into an area where shots where fired. Of course it blew up because they hit the dynamite. I was relating the story to someone and now my interest it peaked. It was many years ago and my mom and dad are both gone so I cannot ask them details. Thank you.

    1. Hello and thanks - your best resource for researching this is probably the Butte Archives, They probably have the newspapers reporting on that event.
