
Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas in Butte, 1911 – #2

by Richard I. Gibson

In cosmopolitan Butte in December 1911 shoppers could find groceries from local suppliers as well as goods imported from all over the country. The Montana Cash “Pure Food” Grocery, at 108 West Park Street, carried Florida grapefruit (20¢ each), brie cheese (50¢ a pound) and Brussels sprouts at 20¢ a pound.

Washington Meat Market, just down the street from Montana Cash at 118 West Park, offered eastern dressed turkeys at 19½¢ a pound (Montana dressed ran 22½¢ a pound). I believe “eastern dressed” were frozen and shipped, while “Montana dressed” were fresh poultry. Pot roast of beef ran 7½¢/lb, and prime rib roast of beef was 10¢/lb.

Scandinavian specialties could be obtained at Tripp & Dragstedt Co. at 543-547 South Main Street. Among many other things, they offered Norway herring, lutfish, Swedish yellow peas, gaffelbitar (herring bits in sherry), and gammalost, a pungent traditional Norwegian cheese. And “skis, sleigh bells, etc.” 

Butte Miner, December 1911

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